omid arabbay

picture of omid arabbay

omid arabbay

Arabbay's work is rooted in the complex­ities of identity and the search for a sense of belonging in a world that often seeks to cate­gorize and define us based on our origin. Drawing on his personal expe­riences and the stories of others, his art seeks to explore the many ways in which our iden­tities are shaped by the places we come from and the places we go. His work is deeply influ­enced by the colors, textures, and land­scapes of the different cul­tures and environ­ments that have shaped his own journey. He seeks to create a visual language that captures the richness and diversity of human experience.

At the heart of his practice is a commit­ment to exploring the tensions and contradictions that arise when cultures collide and merge. Through his photo­graphs he is inviting viewers to reflect on their own expe­riences, displace­ment, and cultural hybridity.

One of the key ways in which Arabbay's experience in theater has influenced his photo­graphic work is in his use of light and compo­sition to create a sense of drama, emotion and to create a sense of depth, texture. His photo­graphs often incorporate a sense of movement and tension, drawing the viewer in and inviting them to engage with the story being told. Since 2021 he has also been studying at the renowned Academy of Fine Arts, Leipzig.